Ye Lin Kyaw Random Thoughts

Jetpack and Open Graph Tags

Facebook Debugger shows that the Open Graph Tags of my website are duplicated. Jetpack and the Facebook plugin are used in my site. These are making duplicated Tags. The Facebook plugin allows me easily modifying Open Graph Tags. I chose to remove adding Tags from Jetpack. Jetpack does not provide to disable it from admin panel. It needs to change a few lines of code. There will be two options, modifying Jetpack Plugin or modifying Wordpress Theme.

Modifying Jetpack Plugin

  1. Open functions.opengraph.php under Jetpack plugin directory
  2. Find add_action( 'wp_head', 'jetpack_og_tags' );
  3. Remove or comment it
Modifying Wordpress Theme
  1. Open functions.php under Wordpress Theme directory
  2. Add a new line remove_action('wp_head', 'jetpack_og_tags');