Ye Lin Kyaw Random Thoughts

PHP-FPM & HTTP Headers

Apache 2.4 is dropping the HTTP Header names with special characters for some security reasons. The header names with underscore character are also included in dropped headers. Some of my apps are suffering with this. Even for the security reason, it is needed to support the existing apps for …

Switching to Emacs for Myanmar Scripts

Vim is my favourite editor and I am using it for quite a long time. I use it for writing programs, changing configuration on my servers, writing reports and so on. I like Vim but there is one major issue, Vim is not supporting Unicode characters. It only supports Monospaced …

Apache 2.2 to 2.4 with Ubuntu 13.10

After my servers were upgraded with Ubuntu Server 13.10, all are stopped working. Ubuntu Server 13.10 came with Apache 2.4.*. That makes a busy day for the system administrators. Apache 2.4 will not work with 2.2 configuration file, the easiest way is using the default …


I did not reach back to Sagaing for at least 6 years. I lived there about 4 years until my dad passed away. This time, I could arrange getting back to visit Sagaing and Mingun. Small town did not change many things, as usual crowded with Monks and Nuns. I …


Becoming less and less free time to update my personal website. To keep my website seen alive, I wanted to integrate my personal website with some of my social media. Facebook and Twitter status will be too much and frequent to integrate. Instagram should be fine and I wanted to …